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Mumbai Police Commissioner orders builders to stop construction beyond 10 pm

Installation of boards with work timing and duration at the construction site should also be done.

11 , March , 2022

In a major move to curb noise pollution, Mumbai top cop Sanjay Pandey recently held a meeting with some of the prominent developers of the city and asked them not to carry out any kind of construction activity in the city after 10 pm.

He opined that construction work should not be troublesome for the public. In fact, he also directed them to install acoustic barrier sheets at their sites.

An official informed that the developers were also told that they should not give their security personnel and guards traffic police-like dresses and they should remain stationed at the construction site and should not come on road. Moreover, installation of boards with work timing and duration at the construction site should also be done.

Recently, hosting a Facebook live session, Pandey stated that construction activity was important but at the same time, citizens should get at least a noise-free Sunday or noise-free nights.

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