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Tips to Make Your Home Office Work Look Great!!

An underlying fact is that a majority of us don’t have a home office.

20 , May , 2020

With Social Distancing being the ‘Need of the Hour’ and the mandates being implemented across the Nation, Work from Home (WFH) is the new normal for many of us. Yes, you heard it right! Many People working in industries deemed “non-essential” are doing their work from home. And while the round-the-clock stream of depressing COVID-19 news, coupled with caretaking or home-schooling responsibilities, can make it a daunting task for you to stay focused on work.

But modifying your space can help i.e. an organized and visually appealing work area can help you feel more productive?—?and much more relaxed. We are enlightening you with five tips for elevating your home workspace to get your workspace functioning well?—?and looking great.

Here we go-

Identify Your Space

An underlying fact is that a majority of us don’t have a home office. Consequently, our work-from home routines have high probability of getting hindered easily. In order to stay in routine and facilitate yourself with work ethos, you should designate an area of work, even if it’s your kitchen also. But for that you have to ensure that irrespective of the spot finalized, you have to make sure that the spot gives a feel of a dedicated and functional work area. This means ample lighting, a comfortable chair?—?the right height for typing without strain?—?a seamless tech setup that allows you to take, and make video calls without having to fidget with plugs or wires. Also, an overall lack of clutter on your desk and the surrounding area.

Get Rid of the Clutter

This goes without saying. When was the last time, you de-cluttered your workplace? Now is the time to get rid of it. One of the biggest inhibitors of productivity is a cluttered or disorganized workspace. Although this may not be a conscious burden on you throughout the day, a messy desk or office can make it difficult to find what you’re looking for, which can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. Therefore, to put an end to unnecessary stress and anxiety, toss anything that needs to be thrown out, pair like items with like, contain those stray pens in one nice decorative cup, and make sure you have all your workday essentials close at hand and non-essential items moved elsewhere.

Contrive an Inspiration board

Well, with the stage all set, it’s almost Showtime now! It’s time for you guy to look ahead, and that wall behind your laptop should bring positive vibes, and a conducive working environment for you. This is the time you put together and decorate it with things that inspire you the most, be it your inspirational leader, motivational quotes, pics of your favourite people, pics of your goals, etc. In fact, you can put your to-dos and important reminders up there too?—?but keep the focus on the positive and uplifting, and keep it right in your line of sight.

The Imperative Background Check

If your day-to-day work calls for Video calls and conferencing, then always keep in mind that your colleagues on the other side of the Video calls will have a clearer view of the things in your background. So, ensure there is no messy pile of laundry or clutter in the background. The thumb rule is to keep things neat, clean, and uncluttered. If you have space, then show it in the best possible manner by putting your favourite art piece, interesting souvenirs or a not-overly-stuffed bookcase to good use. Lastly but one of the most important aspects is the lighting factor, your workspace should be sufficiently lit, or it’ll look like you’re dialing in from an old distressed fort.

Set the Ambience

You all must have wondered for a dream office throughout your career and must have longed for those scented candles and aromatic diffusers in your regular workplaces, but due to restrictions there, you had to holdback yourselves, but this is your moment, and it’s time to break free, and it’s time to make your own rules at home. Set up your mood by placing those scented candles and aromatic diffusers at your workplaces. And now it’s time for all those music lovers to create your playlist and softly waft overhead rather than through earphones. Similarly, set out some healthy snacks to avoid refrigerator trips, and nosh away. It’s OK for your home office to feel like your home, and especially now, it’s important to take time to indulge yourself with some creature comforts that feed your soul and made you feel calm and inspired.

So Folks, Happy WFH!!

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