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Centre to keep an eye on construction activities through CCTV

The Centre is likely to initiate construction activities in ‘green’ and ‘orange’ districts—areas where there have been no COVID-19 cases for 14-28 days in a staggered manner in June 2020.

14 , May , 2020

NEW DELHI: In an initiative to bring the economy back on track the central government have announced to monitor all construction projects worth Rs 100 crore or more through a closed circuit camera (CCTV) system at a central command room.

The Centre is likely to initiate construction activities in ‘green’ and ‘orange’ districts—areas where there have been no COVID-19 cases for 14-28 days in a staggered manner in June 2020. There will be guidelines issued by the centre to start work on these projects by mid-May 2020.

The government will install CCTV cameras -five to 10 per location to keep a track of the work site. The footage from CCTV cameras will be monitored at a command and control centre at Central Public Works Department in New Delhi. The zonal offices will also have small monitoring stations so that labour issues, hygiene-related problems and other glitches can be sorted out.

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